
Would you like fries with that Damnation?

DISCLAIMER: (It's sad I even need to do one of these.)
I do not purport to be all knowing. I definitely do NOT know what happens to our consciousness when we die. I have a belief in what may occur, based on various evidence and scientific fact, but I will never claim to know something that I cannot myself experience (yet). The following blog is ALL based around my opinion, and does not at any time represent anything else.

Belief. I have had so many people question my beliefs. Or lack there of I should point out. It seems to be happening more and more lately, though I am unsure why. Either way, I don't mind it at all.
When someone comes up to me, and old friend or similar, and asks me what religion I follow, I tell them that I do not follow any spiritual creed, instead associating myself with an Agnostic Atheist-esque lack of belief.
Then come the follow up questions.

Some of these are completely rational inquiries about what lead me to not believe, how I feel about others who hold belief in and almighty power and so on.

And then there are the fuckwits. OK, maybe I should keep this a bit more civil, but when my own so called friends begin near demanding my evidence and proof for the lack of a God, and then informing me that if I do not change I am hellbound, well let's just say it makes it hard to be civil. Which leads me to the main point of this entire blog.

Unless you can provide me undeniable proof of your Gods existence, don't you dare come preaching to me, telling me that I am damned for all eternity, that I will burn with homosexuals, buddhists, hell even other sects of your own damned religion, if I do not change my ways.

Excuse me, but before you preach, know that the burden of proof is on the believer, not the person who disbelieves. EVERYONE (should) knows this, though it just seems as though  that this, along with all other ethical and civil rules get bent and twisted when dealing with someones religious beliefs.
For example, if I were to come to you and tell you "HEY GUESS WHAT, I HAVE SUPER POWERS!", obviously you would ask me to prove it. Now, if I were to respond with either "YOU CAN'T PROVE I DONT", or "DONT QUESTION IT, ITS A MATTER OF FAITH", well then, you'd probably start feeling the same way I do on a regular basis. On top of that, imagine if all your friends were to question why you don't believe they have superpowers, and then ignore your response, well, thats my life for you =3

And I do apologize, but its going to take more proof than thousand year old multi translated and contradictory second hand accounts to sway my opinions :)
SO, let me suggest this, if you do decide to ask me about my opinions, please be open minded as I do try to be, or just don't bother.

Hell, I think the world could do with a lot of that.