
The corruption of ‘Television Media’

So here we are once again. Another massive global disaster, another example of the parasitic nature of the so called ‘News’ (I doubt the term applies to them) media is shown. Strip something of all of its ‘value’ and move on to the next quick buck. It is absolutely appalling, and it is reasons such as this that I never bother to watch news programs on television anymore. (The internet is definitely a more reliable source, due to the fact it allows cross-referencing and comparative analysis)

Let me rewind for a moment, some people may be questioning just what the hell I am talking about. Well, as everyone surely knows by now, there have been numerous natural disasters and groundbreaking events in the world of recent. Specifically; Queensland, Australia has suffered through a massive period of flooding (and there has been a loss of lives, homes, businesses and lifestyles), Christchurch in New Zealand was hit with a large earthquake that has killed many and destroyed much of the city and surrounds, and of course the nation of Japan has endured one of the worst natural disasters in its recorded history. Many lives have been ruined or lost entirely by the earthquake AND tsunami that occurred, and now there is an even greater risk to life with the quake and tsunami causing unstable nuclear reactors.

If this all wasn’t enough, there has been mass political and social revolution occurring in Egypt and Libya, the economic climate is changing with all the issues with Japan and there are also new reports of a possible earthquake that may hit New Zealand again sometime in the near future. It is a really troubling time that we are experiencing at the moment. However, there is something that is bothering me as well as the current situation. That brings me to the topic of this blog.

The whole time these events have been occurring, the news has done nothing but mass advertise and sell the events to make as much of a profit as possible. Now, of course it is a good thing that they are actually presenting news for once instead of asking which celebrities’ tits are bigger (although this change hasn’t lasted long), but the way that they are going about it is completely fucked up. Each time a new event has occurred, the media has COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN about the last event that occurred, instead changing all direction to the new event and leaving others whose lives have been ruined without a voice to cry for aid with. The moment the New Zealand quake hit, good bye Queensland. Japan tsunami hits, goodbye Kiwis.

This leeching off events put me off the news even more for a bit, but I decided to check back recently to see if they could redeem themselves and cover all of those events, but then I saw a news presentation on Rebecca ‘Fucking Friday’ Black. Oh so wait, thousands of deaths and major threats to many more lives are less important than a 13 year old girl discovering autotune and reading a calendar for the first time. I’m completely disgusted.

Where did it all go wrong??


Beautiful: Neo-grotesque.

When talking to a girl or a woman, or describing one, there is one term I would almost never use.
A number of years ago I just might have. But in todays reality of unattainable physical perfection, I refuse to.

Why, you ask?

Well, I believe that the word has become insulting. Synonymous with demeaning. A symbol representative of destroyed lives, minds and bodies for the sake of attaining physical perfection.
Women out there starve themselves. Have flesh carved from bone, muscles and bones disfigured, foreign objects implanted. All for the search for an ''aesthetic perfection''. All for what mass media likes to now name ''Beautiful''.
In the process of becoming ''Beautiful'', many become empty shells, narcissistic and self-obsessed cattle with no hope of making an impact in life. It is not of course their fault, but nonetheless they begin losing valuable shreds of themselves which they will never again be able to ascertain.
It really is incredibly sad.
What I find truly beautiful is a rare thing these days. True beauty lies behind the flesh, behind the bone. It is an intangible thing, really. Someones personality, their identity, their sense of self really attracts me.

I find beauty in things people often don't consider beautiful. So what they may not be physically attractive. What exactly does that have to do with anything? 

Actually, expanding upon this, I was talking to one of my friends recently and the subject of my ex-girlfriends was brought up. He actually asked me why I ''dated ugly chicks''.
Rather then smashing his face in with my fist, I asked him why every single girl he had dated thus far whilst being considered ''attractive'' by general society, were false and facade-driven people who cared only for his money and looking pretty. He soon shut up. :)

And thats precisely why I will never call someone ''Beautiful'' . I see them as MORE then that.